Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Juvenile Assignment

Juvenile Assignment

Q 1) Click on the link below (or cut and paste into browser) and watch the youtube video - "Prisons documentary children in prison for life sentence." 2) After reviewing the video, answer the following questions in an Essay. 1. Write an overview of the video. 2. What are 2 things you found surprising or interesting in the video? 3. List and explain 2 actions or solutions you think should be implemented for violent and serious juvenile crime offenders? 4. Explain why you think Americans incarcerate a high rate of juveniles (children), compared to other western nations. (Support your answer with APA peer reviewed research. For instance, if you assert it is because "American children are more criminal" be sure you support this answer with scientific research. Do not just state your opinion on the topic.)

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. The prison stories are the stories of the people who are in detention for different reasons. In case of the particular story demonstrated in the video, the kid named Kenneth was someone who was at his 12 years when he first conducted the robbery. The adult who was present in the same incident, was given only one sentence where Kenneth was given three. The three sentences were such that all of them stated a life time prison for the juvenile (Documentary & Discovery HD Channel Official, 2017).